M 19.26 Productions

Content Writer & Copywriter

Kendon Preddie

Writing content that connects brands with their people, compels them to take action and converts strangers into supporters.

Nice to meet you!

I'm Kendon.

M 19.26 Productions

For over a decade my gift for writing and my passion for influencing people using content have been married, allowing me to work within the marketing and events industries. During that time, I helped brands to reach audiences across the Caribbean. I decided that my gift and my passion needed a home so I built M 19. 26 Productions, a content creation company, based in Trinidad and Tobago.As a writer, I am focused on doing one thing: Helping brands to connect with their people. I work with them to produce content for new and traditional media so that their mission becomes possible.

Content Writing & Copywriting

M 19.26 Productions

Website Content

Connect with your audience via landing pages, business or ecommerce websites, and blogs using content that accurately informs, educates or sells.

M 19.26 Productions

Email Campaigns

Maintain healthy relationships with your community using personalised email campaigns that make them feel heard and understood.

M 19.26 Productions

Social Media Captions

Build your online community using popular social media platforms. Speak clearly and concisely to sell, educate or entertain.

M 19.26 Productions

Sales & Marketing Materials

Reach your target audience with content that converts strangers into supporters via ads, slide decks, and internal documents, like brand guides.

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Free Consultation

Choose a date and time below to book your free consultation. We'll talk about what your needs are and I'll share potential solutions.Can't find a suitable date and time? No problem. Contact me and we'll find a time that works best with your schedule. Looking forward to meeting with you soon.